niedziela, 9 czerwca 2024


Tworzenie obrazów przy pomocy sztucznej inteligencji korzystając z

Jednym z celów naszego projektu są innowacje ICT.

Podczas wymiany uczniowskiej w Saragossie uczniowie mieli okazję do uczestniczenia w zajęciach polegających na praktycznym wykorzystaniu nowoczesnych narzędzi internetowych.
Dzięki temu powstał plan projektu pt. "Tworzenie obrazów przy pomocy AI, a także piękne kolaże.

CV Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Zbigniewa Herberta w Warszawie

CV Zbigniew Herbert Secondary School, Warsaw


Acreddited project: 2020-1-PL01-KA120-SCH-000095854

Project number: 2023-1-PL01-KA121-SCH-000137168

Group mobility of school pupils, Saragossa, Spain


Objectives of the Erasmus project:

-improving the quality of teaching foreign languages,

-improving the staff language skills,

-improving digital skills, ICT innovations,

-upgrading the European dimension of the school, international and project cooperation, project management skills,

-21st century school, soft skills


Creating Images with AI – Project (produced by Maria Canete Barcenilla under Creative Commons License)


1.     Introduction

In recent years Artificial Intelligence has advanced in different field, creating tools that give us the possibility to create our own animations, pictures and illustrations. Teachers can use AI image generation to quickly design custom game assets and educational activity sheets. This can be particularly useful for creating content that is differentiated and designed to fit the interests of individual students in your class.

The aim of the project is twofold. First, gain a higher level of competence with the tool to use and see the possibilities it offers. Secondly, reflect on the biases we have and, consequently transfer to new technologies.

2.     Practicing

Work in pairs. Each couple chooses a representative. The representative has access to the image that his/her partner should try to recreate with the description.

Each image will have two attempts to create most approximate version before showing it in front of the class.

The team chooses which image they want to present and the jury (a teacher) decides who is the most precise.

The tool:

3.     Creating

Each couple creates their own image with AI, in a consensual way. It is time to enjoy creating something different i be creative.

4.     Learning outcomes

Students practice their speaking skills and develop soft skills (21st century skills), such as communication, project management, teamwork, attention to detail, collaboration, problem solving a creativity.

Students get to know new ICT tools.

Students reduce the stress level, calm down, concentrate on their thoughts and emotions, interact effectively with others.


Sfinansowane ze środków UE. Wyrażone poglądy i opinie są jedynie opiniami autora lub autorów i niekoniecznie odzwierciedlają poglądy i opinie Unii Europejskiej. Unia Europejska ani podmiot udzielający dotacji nie ponoszą za nie odpowiedzialności.

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